A Risk Analysis Bowtie Diagram in Latex

Keywords: #risk-analysis #soc2 #devops #sre
Couldn’t find a good example on the web, wrote one instead.

TRAPPIST-1 is probably not alive

Keywords: #astrophysics #exoplanets #exobiology
While the findings of additional potentially habitable planets around TRAPPIST-1 is exciting, it also isn’t overly promising.

Putting a Space Station Over Philly With Final Cut Pro

Keywords: #macos #finalcutpro
A quick and easy (though not free) way to put a imaginary space station over Philadelphia.

DevOps 101: Chef Cookbook with Testing

Keywords: #devops #sre
A quick and dirty example of creating a chef cookbook with rspec tests.

Python Uses Operational Chaining for Boolean Comparisons

Keywords: #python #computer-science
It is important to understand Python’s use of operational chaining to avoid programming errors.